Demand is not yet covered
Target demand:
Electricity saving and efficiency:
Total supply:
Net import:
Net export:
SubmitIn the table below, click on a technology name (e.g. Large hydropower dams) to see information on specific attributes (e.g. Electricity costs, Accidental impacts, etc.) for this technology. In the same table, click on an attribute (e.g. Impact on climate change) to see information from all technologies for this property.
Click here to view all information in a pdf.
Please create your electricity portfolio to supply the Swiss electricity demand of 70 terawatt-hours per year (TWh/year) in 2035.
One terawatt-hour is equal to a billion of kilowatt-hours (kWh) that you typically see on your electricity bill.
Left panel
Shows the choice of electricity supply technologies and how much electricity they could produce in Switzerland in 2035 as the minimum or the maximum. You can then choose how much each technology would contribute to your electricity portfolio.
You can reduce the total Swiss electricity demand by choosing the option of saving electricity and increasing end-use efficiency.
The remaining part of the demand can be supplied by importing electricity from abroad. Please note that Switzerland, in any case, is assumed to stay connected with the neighboring countries and to keep importing and exporting electricity on a daily basis. The term 'net import' refers to the sum of all imported and exported electricity during one year. A positive value of 'net import' shows how much more electricity was imported than exported.
Central panel
Shows a summary of how much electricity is already supplied by your choice of technologies, electricity savings, and net import. If you chose to have more technologies in your portfolio than it is necessary to meet the Swiss electricity demand, the remaining electricity will be exported and will be called 'net export'.
Right panel
The right panel illustrates how much the different technologies contribute to your electricity portfolio in terms of TWh/year. The smaller rectangles represent individual power plants in most of the technologies.
The exceptions are technologies with very small power plant size, which could not be visualized individually in this scale. Therefore, for these technologies, each rectangle represents multiple power plants, as shown in the following table.
Technology | Power plants per rectangle |
The RISKMETER has been prepared by the team of the project “RIsk GOveRnance of electricity pOrtfolioS (RIGOROuS): Cross-technology and spatial tradeoffs of multiple risks” at ETH Zurich. This project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant No. 160563).
Information on the current electricity supply (year 2015) in Switzerland and its future potentials have been taken from the following sources:
The electricity portfolios are currently made on the basis of summing technology contributions. In the future, RISKMETER will feature portfolios generated by the EXPANSE electricity system model. You can find more information about EXPANSE in the following:
Your feedback is submitted
Are you sure you would like to submit your preferred portfolio?
Please create and submit your preferred electricity portfolio for Switzerland for 2035.